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The First Christian Book That I Ever Read



I first started to read Christian books when I was just a young boy. I realized at an early age that a Christian book can truly change your life. Everyone in life needs to understand that having a dream is something that we all need. I believe that dreams are made and that we must follow after what we truly want to follow. Life can be full of surprises. We must always try to go after what is most important to us. I think that reading Christian books truly changes lives. I have believe in Jesus Christ since I was a small child. I can tell you that God is always looking over us. I always get excited when people tell me that I should give my heart to books more.

I think that everyone can give a good book to someone that is in need of hearing a good word. When we take our time out of our busy schedule to read books and to look at life in new ways, we begin to learn more about life and where we are going to be headed at some point. I believe that life is something useful and we all have to begin changing our path as each day passes. I believe that reading will help us to accomplish whatever goals that we have in mind in order to create happiness for ourselves and to walk towards a specific goal each day.

Life can be challenging sometimes and it can take us into new realms that we may not know anything about. Life always seems to have a way of taking control.

I personally love to read non-fiction books. This helps me to learn about the lives of others in new ways. All humanity is connected in some way. I have learned this over the years. I believe that Jesus loves the world and that he died on the cross for our sins. He is the one person in my life that has always been there. When the rest of the world let me down, I always felt God being there for me. Christianity is something that we can all learn to live with. I believe that God has a special plan and purpose for our lives. When we try to learn what is best, God always seems to step in there to guide us in new ways. God is always on our side and we never have to worry about not making sense.

God always seems to put us in the right direction. Even when everything around us seems to be falling apart, Jesus is always there to guide us. Being a Christians is not easy. It takes a great deal of discipline and love. You need to stay close to the Holy Bible and to the Holy Spirit. We can only grow closer to God by reading the Holy Bible each day. I find that reading the Bible and journaling helps me to walk closer to God each and every day.


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